The co-designer assigned to the group 1, is a five months pregnant woman with her second child. Due to her previous pregnancy, she is well-prepared and aware of the changes that she is going through. Together challenges were analyzed and identified and a solution develloped.

During our first meeting it was the priority of the team to make the participant feel comfortable. Her views and opinions are as important as that of the group members. This was achieved in this meeting, the mood and setting were kept casual while also learning about her struggles.
To avoid making her feel like she was partaking in an interview or an interrogation, all notes made during the meeting were set down in open view for her to contest.
Using post-it notes, she shared her daily experiences and the struggles she faced. This activity fostered a sense of connection and empathy, allowing us to better understand her unique perspective on pregnancy.
After the meeting, she was asked to write down any new discomforts if they came up during the next week.

For the second meeting, a poster summarizing the possible solutions to the codesigner's discomforts was used to find her preferred design direction.
After an discussing and answering her doubts of concerns, it was decided that as a team we would continue with the bending and the lifting, since they were of more pressing matter and offered more opportunities.
From the assignment that the co-designer received last meeting, three main activities came up that caused her discomfort:
- placing daughter (of two years) on her bikeseat
- doing the laundry
- opening the bottom drawers (Kitchen, freezer...)

During the co-design session, the group attended the case-owner's home. The team had iterated on the 3 main directions discussed above, and brought 5 possible ideas for each to this meeting.
Play-do was used to further iterate on these ideas with the case owner. Additionally, concerns or worries were discussed and, collectively, solutions emerged. The purpose of the play-do was to allow these concepts to take 3D shapes and to allow our case owner to envision them herself. Additionally, the team got a chance to also interview her partner which gave an additional perspective on their lifestyle.
At the end of the session, a direction was decided, this being lifting her daughter onto the bike seats. With play-do an idea was drafted of having some stairs for her daughter to climb up, this was tested using a stool to see if she was able to reach up on her own.

After the co-design session the design team got to work on drafting a final concept. A final meeting was planned with the co-designer to show her the final design and get some specific measurements of her bike. She was really happy with the result and together logistics were determined on the placement on the bike.