After the first meeting with the case owner, the group had a brainstorming session, which was used to clarify the main pain points in her daily routine. Then these were grouped into categories, for example, unloading the dishwasher was placed under the bending category. The group came up with possible solutions and directions per category, resulting in the image to the right.

After the second meeting with the case owner, it was decided that the main direction would be bending, with three main conflicts to resolve.
- To get her daughter onto the bike seat minimizing the strain on her body,
- Minimizing the effort in bending when doing the laundry,
- Designing a mechanism to remove the bending when having to open bottom drawers.
To begin the team partook in an ideation activity where a word was said and solutions had to be sketched using that keyword.
5 concept solutions were chosen for each direction, to further ideate on in the next co-design session.

After the co-design session, the team had a clear idea of the functions and requirements of the product, with the chosen direction: getting her daughter on the bike seat.
This led to contemplating different concepts and mechanism ideas on how the stairs were going to close up. The closing mechanism should be in a way where the user would not have to bend.

This is the final concept of the product after further discussion with the case owner. It was decided that the handle would be removed from the previous concept, to allow the mother to have both hands free in order to help up the child.
The closing mechanism will be held up by magnets when lifting up the first pedal, therefore the user would only need to bend to the height of the lock to reach it.
Additionally the design of the pedal match the bike seat of the daughter.
Finally for it to match the bike, black was opted as the color.
After testing more modifications were done resulting in concept 2.0.